Bollywood couple Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna are currently holidaying at an exotic beach location. After Akshay shared a happy selfie with his wife, Twinkle took to her Instagram handle to share two pictures to show how couples portray themselves on Instagram versus how they are in real life.
In the first photo shared by Twinkle, the couple can be seen smiling as they pose together for the picture-perfect moment with the sea in the background. In the second picture, Twinkle is seen pulling Akshay's head backwards while pulling his nose.
Sharing the post, she wrote, "Couples on Instagram and then in reality. If we all really smiled at each other like we do when someone pulls out a camera, there would be fewer divorces :) #SmileOkPlease.”
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Earlier, on Thursday, Akshay had shared a selfie with Twinkle and wrote, "Happy place = Happy face ???? We are grateful for this getaway in the middle of a pandemic! #GratitudeIsTheBestAttitude #BeachTime."
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Twinkle and Akshay got married in 2000 and recently celebrated their 21st wedding anniversary. They are parents to kids- Aarav and Nitara.
ALSO READ: Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna wish each other on their 20th wedding anniversary
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