Veteran actor Jaya Bachchan turned a year older today. On the occasion of her birthday, her son and actor Abhishek Bachchan treated fans to a stunning throwback picture of her. The monochrome picture of Jaya Bachchan is making fans of the actress nostalgic.
Showering love on the birthday girl, Abhishek Bachchan captioned the picture, "Happy birthday माँ। Love you.” The picture shared by Abhishek also had a signature of Jaya signed as her maiden name Jaya Bhaduri.
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Jaya Bachchan's granddaughter Navya Naveli Nanda was all hearts for the picture and commented "Stealing this" referring to repost.
Meanwhile, Amitabh Bachchan, too, shared an old picture from their younger days where the two can be seen caught in a candid moment having a hearty laughter. "'apintment' बरकरार , रहा धुआंदार तीन बार देख चुके , आज रात चौथी बार Bhaiyu," he wrote.
T 3868 -
'apintment' बरकरार , रहा धुआंदार
तीन बार देख चुके , आज रात चौथी बारBhaiyu ????????????
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) April 9, 2021
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