Arjun Kapoor and Rakul Preet are all set to get you grooving on your feet with the romantic dance track ‘Dil Hai Deewana’ by Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series. Directed by the talented duo Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru, the song features Arjun and Rakul in interesting scenarios and looks that match the energy and vibe of the romantic dance number. Incidentally, this will be the first time that the handsome actor & stunning actress will be seen in a music single, all thanks to Bhushan Kumar!
Composed by Tanishk Bagchi with vocals by Darshan Raval and actress-turned-singer Zara Khan, ‘Dil Hai Deewana’ with its upbeat tune and fun lyrics has all the elements of a party track.
Says T-Series head honcho Bhushan Kumar, “The song is an upbeat, peppy track and a complete dance number. Everything about the song from Arjun - Rakul’s looks, to the sets, to the music video concept, to the beats, vocals, and quirky lyrics is great! Our audiences are going to love this song.”
Arjun Kapoor says, “I had a blast with Rakul while filming the song ‘Dil Hai Deewana’.It’s an out-and-out dance track with a very fun vibe, which directors Radhika-Vinay aptly captured. When it comes to music, Bhushan Kumar has always worked towards giving fantastic music and I definitely think 'Dil Hai Deewana' will be one such go-to party song for people."
Adds Rakul Preet, “'Dil Hai Deewana' gave Arjun and I the opportunity to work again after Sardar Ka Grandson and it’s always fun working with Arjun. The song is very energetic, peppy and we had a great time shooting for it.”
The directors Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru say, “'Dil Hai Deewana' is a complete masala track. Arjun and Rakul represent the young generation and were perfect for this song. The song in itself is so fun that it enabled us to experiment with different sets and scenarios
Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series’ ‘Dil Hai Deewana’ is out now on T-Series’ YouTube channel.
ALSO READ: Sonam Kapoor misses her brother Arjun Kapoor, shares picture from their childhood
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