Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif starrer Sooryavanshi was initially slated to release in March 2020, while the early days of the COVID-19 breakout had led to a stricter lockdown, this year too, the second wave has led to a partial lockdown where the CM of Maharashtra, Uddhav Thackeray has allowed essential services to be open. The makers will have to push the release date from April 2021 to a further date since the rise in the number of cases will lead to a shutdown of the theatres across Maharashtra. Delhi will also be operating the cinema halls at a 30% capacity.
Gulshan Grover, 65, will be seen reuniting with Akshay Kumar for the Rohit Shetty directorial and he says that even though the decision to shut down the theatres is the right one, it’s upsetting and heartbreaking that the movie’s release has been delayed over a year. He further said that the cinema hall owners will have to reinvest and refurbish since there’s the uncertainty that the theatres might shut down again. He further said that this is a very difficult time for the entertainment industry.
Gulshan Grover was last seen in Mumbai Saga, the Sanjay Gupta directorial had a theatrical release in March this year.
Also Read: SCOOP: As Maharashtra goes under lockdown, Sooryavanshi won’t release on April 30
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