Haridwar has devotees in lakhs attending the ongoing Kumbh Mela. Amid the rising number of Coronavirus cases, over 5 thousand people have tested positive with over 3 lakh people attending the mela. A lot of celebrities have opened up about the risks of hosting the mela this year considering how drastically the graph of positive cases has been shooting up. The shaahi snaan has been making heads turn for all the wrong reasons as people have been taking no precautions to prevent the spreading of the virus.
Malaika Arora shared a picture on her Instagram story from the Kumbh Mela and expressed her shock at the scenario. With streets packed with men walking, Malaika Arora couldn’t help but post the picture of the dooming scenario. She wrote, “It’s a pandemic, but this is shocking”. Along with her, a lot of other celebrities have expressed their shock regarding the Kumbh Mela.
Take a look at Malaika’s story, right here.
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