Nushrratt Bharuccha, who will be seen in Ram Setu with Akshay Kumar and Jacqueline Fernandez, has been pretty excited about the project. While the shoot began a few days ago, it had to be put on an abrupt halt after Akshay Kumar along with 45 other crew members tested positive for COVID-19. The actress along with Jacqueline Fernandez isolated themselves to avoid contracting the virus. While this isn’t her first project with Abundantia Entertainment, Nushrratt Bharuccha spoke about how they shot for Chhori with zero cases while there were so many cases on Ram Setu’s set.
Speaking about the same, she said that even though they shot for Chhori for almost 28 days with zero cases, a lot of people tested positive for COVID-19 on the sets of Ram Setu before they could wrap the first week of their schedule. Nushrratt agrees that things can’t always be the same and despite the makers being extremely careful with everyone’s health, they can only control the situation to a certain extent. She said that the second wave of COVID has hit us a lot harder and actors are the most vulnerable ones. Being on camera, they have to forget that they’re in a pandemic and focus on their work otherwise it hampers their performance.
While the shoots of all the films have been stopped for another 15 days, Nushrratt Bharuccha is excited to return to work.
Also Read: Nushrratt Bharuccha calls herself ‘Ajeeb’, here’s why
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