Bollywood stunner Rakul Preet Singh, who is busy with her shoots and events, is slaying her Instagram game completely. The actress dolled up on Thursday for the shoot of No. 1 Yaari with Lakshmi Manchu.
Sharing pictures on her Instagram handle, Rakul posed in all white off- shoulder jumpsuit which featured balloon sleeves that added an element of class to the simple piece. Keeping up with her classy look, she went with all subtle makeup look with soft eyes, blushed up cheeks, lots of highlighter and nude lip gloss. As her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, she indeed looked like a vision in white. She accessorised the outfit with big golden hoop earrings and a golden bracelet.
On the professional front, Rakul Preet will be next seen in Sardar Ka Grandson alongside Arjun Kapoor. The film will be released on Netflix and the date is yet to be announced. Apart from this, Rakul will also appear in the film MayDay alongside Ajay Devgn and Amitabh Bachchan which is scheduled to release on April 2022. She will also star alongside John Abraham in Attack releasing during Independence Day 2021.
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