Actress Sameera Reddy recently informed that she and her husband Akshai Varde tested positive for COVID-19. Now, the actress also revealed that it was their two kids who first contracted the virus but are doing well now.
Sameera took to her Instagram handle and shared a monochrome picture of her kids- Hans and Nyra. Sharing the picture, she gave a health update of her kids and herself and her husband. "Lots of people asking me about Hans and Nyra so here is the update ????The past week Hans had high fevers, headaches, body ache, upset tummy and severe fatigue. It lasted for 4 days. It was very unusual so we tested him and he was COVID positive. I have to admit initially I did feel complete panic because however much you think you are prepared, you just never completely are for something like this," she wrote.
“Immediately Nyra started showing symptoms. She had fevers and upset tummy. I gave her cold compress and paracetamol on SoS. The most important thing is to be aware that the second wave is affecting many children but doctors believe that it has mild symptoms in most of the cases. Doctors are also recommending vitamin C, multivitamin. A probiotic and zinc (please check with your doctor) I’ve done everything to make them comfortable and Both are in great spirits and back to being in masti mode ❤️???????????????????? It’s important to remember that even though Your kids might get asymptomatic in a few days they still have to be isolated from people who haven’t been affected for 14 days to make sure it is not transmitted,” she added.
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She further wrote, “Luckily my mother in law was not exposed and is living separately. She has tested negative. Me and Akshai tested positive soon after the kids. We have started the medications, steam inhalation, salt water gargles, breathing exercises, pranayama and eating wholesome meals and are diligently following our doctors recommendations. This is the time to be smart and focus on what helps. Not negative. Not fearful. Just be alert to protect yourself and others. We have to be mindful of this. It is the only way. I will continue to make my happy content because positivity is my biggest strength right now ❤️ Stay strong. Stay safe''.
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