A few weeks back, actor Vijay had flown to Georgia for the shoot of his upcoming film tentatively titled Thalapathy 65. The first schedule of the film directed by Nelson Dilipkumar has now been wrapped up. Vijay has now returned to his home in Chennai and was spotted at the airport on Sunday.
Reportedly, the second schedule of the film will be shot in Chennai which is a song shoot. The makers will then move on to Mumbai and Hyderabad for the later schedules. Thalapathy 65 will see Pooja Hegde as the female lead. The actress revealed today that she has tested positive for COVID-19. She will be joining the second schedule once she recovers.
Vijay was last seen in the film Master which was the first theatrical release of the year and the first biggest theatrical release since the pandemic started. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the film managed to roar at the box office with loyal fans arriving to watch the film on the first day.
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