Actors Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon have been shooting for Amar Kaushik's Bhediya non-stop in Arunachal Pradesh for over a month now. Now, it is a schedule wrap for Kriti Sanon.
Sharing some adorable pictures on Instagram, Varun Dhawan was seen giving a piggyback ride to Kriti Sanon as she wrapped her shooting portions. Varun was donning a grey t-shirt with a navy blue jacket and denims with his signature beard these days. The actress wore a knitted pink jumper with denims.
He wrote, "Kya lagti hain hai Raaba ???? Bahut maaza ayaa apka saath @kritisanon #wolfpack. It’s a sched wrap for kriti on #BHEDIYA as we say bye to ziro. Will miss you both."
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This film marks the second collaboration between Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon after Rohit Shetty's Dilwale. Bhediya is the third horror-comedy in Maddock Films horror-comedy universe after Stree and Roohi. The film releases next year in April.
ALSO READ: Varun Dhawan grooves to 'Badri Ki Dulhania' song on the sets of Bhediya, watch video
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