Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon are currently in Arunachal Pradesh shooting for Amar Kaushik's Bhediya. This is the lead actors' second movie together after Dilwale. They've been posting glimpses from the shoot and one of the videos has left the netizens in splits.
The video in question was Varun Dhawan was seen cutting a cake on the sets of Bhediya. However, he ended up feeding the cake to a child's father instead of the toddler who was waiting to have a bite. the actor ends up feeding the cake to a child’s father, instead of the toddler who was patiently waiting for a bite. The actor shared the video with a caption that read, “Beti ka bday banaya baap ne. I am sorry (Daughter’s birthday celebrated by her father).” It featured Mohd Rafi’s song 'Kya Se Kya Hogaya' playing in the background.
Kriti Sanon shared the same video on her Instagram and wrote, “This might make your day. We all have been there, haven’t we? ???? P.S: cant believe you did that to her @varundvn.”
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Bhediya takes Maddock Films' horror-comedy universe forward which is the third movie after Stree and Roohi.
ALSO READ: On The Sets: CM of Arunachal Pradesh Pema Khandu visits Varun Dhawan and cast of Bhediya
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