Vindu Dara Singh, who was last seen in Bigg Boss 14, has highlighted some major mental health issues in his recent social media post. While being under a lockdown for over a year now, things had started to look a little better before the second wave of Coronavirus hit the country. While the medical health experts have been barely managing the increasing number of patients, it is difficult for the common man to make it without developing anxiety issues.
In his recent Twitter post, he wrote, “Text fatigue on twitter , insta , fb , whatsapp everywhere ,so many unread messages & late replies is it just me or nearly all of us ! Depleted earnings and all taxes & interest of all bank loans despite lockdowns has made the entire Indian anxiety levels escalate . #Staysafe”. While Indians are known to be overworked all the time as per the statistics, the mental health has considerably taken a dive for most of the working crowd.
Text fatigue on twitter , insta , fb , whatsapp everywhere ,so many unread messages & late replies is it just me or nearly all of us ! Depleted earnings and all taxes & interest of all bank loans despite lockdowns has made the entire Indian anxiety levels escalate . #Staysafe
— Vindu Dara Singh (@RealVinduSingh) April 18, 2021
The lockdown that has been currently imposed across the state is much more flexible than the one last year that provides people with the essential services.
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