Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli recently welcomed their first child, a baby girl named Vamika. The couple had requested the paparazzi to respect their privacy at this time and asked them not to click pictures of their newborn while leaving the hospital. The Indian Cricket Team Captain says that it has been a life-changing experience to raise a daughter with Anushka.
Ahead of IPL 2021 commencement, Kohli spoke to Danish Sait and said, “Things change quite drastically. Everything you have been used to changes. You have to be totally aligned with taking care of another life that’s totally dependent on the mother primarily, but also dependent on the father. Both parents taking care of the child is a different environment altogether and something that we both (Anushka and him) have enjoyed thoroughly.”
He added, “It’s been life-changing. It has been a connect which has been different from anything that both of us have experienced before. Just to see your child smile, it can’t be put in words. I can’t express how it feels from within. It’s just been such a blessed and amazing period.”
Their baby girl was born on January 11 at Breach Candy Hospital where the couple ensured to raise the security and restricted the family and friends from getting gifts.
ALSO READ: Anushka Sharma is all about colour blocking with minimalistic approach in this happy picture
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