Former cricketer Irfan Pathan took a dig at actor Kangana Ranaut on Sunday on social media. He compared the kind of tweets shared by him to that of Kangana Ranaut’s which led to the suspension of her account.
Irfan wrote that his tweets are in favour of humanity and the country while Kangana's posts spread hate. "All My tweets are either 4 humanity or countrymen, from a point of view of a guy who has represented India at d highest level. On d contrary counters I get from ppl like Kangna who’s account get dismissed by spreading hate n some other paid accounts are only about hate. #planned," he tweeted.
All My tweets are either 4 humanity or countrymen, from a point of view of a guy who has represented India at d highest level. On d contrary counters I get from ppl like Kangna who’s account get dismissed by spreading hate n some other paid accounts are only about hate. #planned
— Irfan Pathan (@IrfanPathan) May 13, 2021
Kangana Ranaut's Twitter account was suspended earlier this month for repeatedly violating the policies of the social media platform, especially the ones concerning hate speech and abuse. Her sister Rangoli Chandel's account was also suspended last year on similar grounds. After her suspension from Twitter, Ranaut took to Instagram to share her thoughts.
However, she remained unimpressed with the photo-sharing site when they pulled down a post of the actress in which she called coronavirus a small time flu. “It’s been two days here on insta but don’t think will last here more than a week," she had written in a follow-up post, blaming the 'Covid fan club' for her censorship.
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