Television actress Shraddha Arya is spending her time in a hotel these days. Since the TV shoots are currently being shot out of Mumbai amid the lockdown, she is living in bio-bubble in a hotel these days.
In this situation, Shraddha Arya is trying hard to keep her mind busy by having some me-time. These latest pictures are proof of this. It appears that she is wearing a black one-shoulder sleeve jumpsuit, which surely looks very comfy.She flaunted her absolutely makeup-free face looking all glowy with her flawless skin; she is giving us perfect skin goals too!
Kundali Bhagya is currently being filmed in Goa while following COVID-19 protocols. The cast and crew are living in bio-bubble.
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She flaunted her absolutely makeup-free face, looking all glowy with her flawless skin, she is giving us perfect skin goals too!
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