Suhana Khan, daughter of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan, turns 21 today. The star kid who has a massive fan following on social media has been flooded with wishes from her admirers and friends. Sanjay Kapoor and Maheep Kapoor's daughter Shanaya Kapoor, who is close friends with Suhana, took to her Instagram feed to share a video from the time they were little to wish her.
In the video shared by Shanaya, she and Suhana along with Ananya Panday are seen dancing to the song ‘Yeh Mera Dil’ from Shah Rukh Khan's film Don. "Happy birthday my sue we’re forever going to be dancing together #team," she captioned the post.
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Ananya Panday, too, took to her Instagram stories and shared a throwback picture with Suhana from their childhood days.
Suhana recently flew back to New York after she had returned to India briefly amid the pandemic. She is currently pursuing her education in filmmaking in New York. While Ananya made her acting debut in 2019 with the film Student of the Year 2, Shanaya Kapoor will soon be embarking on her journey to become an actor.
ALSO READ: Gauri Khan shares a stunning picture of Suhana Khan as she turns 21
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