Actress Radhika Apte recently announced her upcoming film, Mrs. Undercover. The actress shot for the film in Kolkata for a schedule of 45 days, before the lockdown happened recently. Given the crucial health situation, one can't help but wonder how the experience has been to shoot amidst a pandemic.
Now, Radhika is the cover star for the month of May for Grazia India. She looks stunning in a ring detailed neon green bikini from Ookioh House and Pink Tie-Dye shirt from Studio Rigu. She accessorized her look with minimal jewellery from different brands namely Outhouse, Misho Designs and Studio Love Letter. She was also seen wearing the Quadro Melrose watch and Elan band from the brand Daniel Wellington worth Rs. 13,499 and Rs. 3,499 respectively.
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Radhika talked about the past validating our existence and giving our life existence. She talked about reminiscing about the past during the turbulent present times.
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On the work front, Radhika also has major films lined up for the future, like Mrs. Undercover and some unannounced projects.
Also Read: Radhika Apte shares tips to keep a healthy body and mind during these difficult times
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