Sheikh Hamdan, the Crown Prince of Dubai, the United Arab Emirates who is popularly known as Fazza was recently blessed with twins. For the same, actor Salman Khan took to his Instagram and congratulated the Crown Prince of Dubai. Salman dedicated a post and shared the picture of the Prince with his twins. In his post, Salman wishes love, health, happiness and respect to him and the kids.
Sharing the picture, Salman wrote "Congratulations sheikh hamdan on your new born twins. Wish them all the love health happiness and respect @faz3."
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Not just Salman, earlier Sanjay Dutt also congratulated the Prince and took to his Twitter handle. Sanjay wrote "Congratulations to His Royal Highness Sheikh @HamdanMohammed on welcoming the twins. I wish them all the love, luck and happiness in the world."
Congratulations to His Royal Highness Sheikh @HamdanMohammed on welcoming the twins. I wish them all the love, luck and happiness in the world.
— Sanjay Dutt (@duttsanjay) May 24, 2021
On the work front, Salman Khan will be next seen in Antim: The Final Truth, which is the remake of the Marathi hit movie Mulshi Pattern.
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