Actor Nakuul Mehta on Sunday took to his Instagram and reminisced his good old days of Star Plus super hit drama, Ishqbaaz. The show featured Nakuul Mehta, Surbhi Chandna, Kunal Jaisingh, Shrenu Parikh, Leenesh Mattoo, and Mansi Srivastava in the lead cast.
Nakul Mehta, who played the role of Shivaay Singh Oberoi, celebrated the half-decade of the show and shares a throwback selfie that had the entire lead cast in it. Nakuul wrote, “5 years to the first episode of this beauty hitting your Television screens.❤…… Thank you all for all the memories & love”.
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The show garnered an immense amount of love and popularity and aired from June 27, 2016 to March 15, 2019. The show was a complete package and had all the elements of entertainment right from romance, brotherhood, family drama and comedy.
Nakul even shared a caricature of the entire cast and portrayed the theme of the show. Sharing it the actor asked fans to comment on their favourite memories from the show.
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