The National Award-winning superstar Dhanush and director Sekhar Kammula are collaborating for a Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi trilingual film to be produced on a grand scale by Narayan Das K Narang and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao of the production house Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP (A Unit Of Asian Group).
Sonali Narang presents the movie which was announced officially yesterday marking the birth anniversary of Late Sunita Narang. The announcement regarding the crazy project created ripples in social media.
Interim, Dhanush expressed his excitement of working with director Sekhar Kammula and producers Narayan Das K Narang and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao.
“Really excited to be working with one of the directors I admire @sekharkammula sir and also elated to join hands with NarayanDasNarang sir and PuskurRamMohanRao sir under @SVCLLP banner for this trilingual. Looking forward to this,” tweeted Dhanush.
Really excited to be working with one of the directors I admire @sekharkammula sir and also elated to join hands with NarayanDasNarang sir and PuskurRamMohanRao sir under @SVCLLP banner for this trilingual. Looking forward to this
— Dhanush (@dhanushkraja) June 19, 2021
The team is in talks with some very big names of various languages and a top-notch technical team which will be announced very soon. The film is likely to go on floors sometime this year. Other details of the project will be unveiled later.
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