Hansal Mehta recently took to his Twitter handle to share a twenty-year-old picture with Manoj Bajpayee. The picture was clicked during the shoot of the film Dil Pe Mat Le Yaar.
The picture shared by Hansal Mehta has Manoj talking on the phone while Hansal was looking at him standing very close to him. Sharing the picture, Hansal wrote, “Rummaging through my father’s collection of memories. Here’s a picture from 2000 with @BajpayeeManoj on sets of Dil Pe Mat Le Yaar.”
Replying to the post, Bajpayee commented, "We are still the same Bapu.”
Rummaging through my father’s collection of memories. Here’s a picture from 2000 with @BajpayeeManoj on sets of Dil Pe Mat Le Yaar. pic.twitter.com/OkkRmZS8gY
— Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) June 6, 2021
Just last week, Hansal Mehta lost his father and had informed him about the same through Twitter with a picture of his father. “I always thought he would outlive me. I was wrong. See you on the other side Pappa. The most handsome man in the world. And the most gentle and generous human being that I’ve ever met. Thank you Pappa for your unconditional love. Thank you my legend, my hero,” he captioned the picture.
On Monday, Hansal Mehta also shared a fifty-year-old picture of his father posing with veteran actor Dilip Kumar. “Two dudes circa 1970, Mumbai. Dad and Dilip Kumar,” he wrote sharing the candid picture of the two men.
Two dudes circa 1970, Mumbai. Dad and Dilip Kumar. pic.twitter.com/DjY6qU0Fkl
— Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) June 7, 2021
ALSO READ: Hansal Mehta pens an emotional note as his father passes away
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