Rahul Vaidya and Nikki Tamboli, who appeared as contestants in Bigg Boss 14, are also participants in Khatron Ke Khiladi 11. In Bigg Boss, the duo shared a very good friendship, however, their friendship got phased out as they locked horns by the end of the season. They shared a kind of love-relationship in Bigg Boss house.
Rahul and Nikki's friendship was very much loved by the audience and both their fans also created a hashtag named after them #Tambora. Now as the duo is all set to appear together again on the Television screen, their fans were demanding their reunion. Seeing the huge popularity and heavy demand from the fans, the duo decided to give them a treat.
The duo posed together for some really moment worthy pictures. Rahul and Nikki posed on a bright sunny day in an open garden location. The singer wore a red parachute jacket with an athleisure black t-shirt and accessorized with black sunglasses. Nikki wore an animal printed co-ord set comprising of a crop top and bottoms.
Nikki shared the post and posted three pictures, where the duo was seen embarking a smile on each other and captioned it as "On popular demand, here’s presenting #Tambora to all you guys! ✨???? #NikkiTamboli #Nikkians #rahulvaidya #kkk11 @colorstv."
Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 is being filmed in Cape Town, South Africa.
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