It’s been a year since actor Sushant Singh Rajput passed away. His untimely death sent shockwaves across the nation. A day ago, fans, friends and colleagues paid tribute to the actor. His sister Priyanka Singh remembered him and phrases in a gut-wrenching note.
On June 14, Priyanka Singh took her Instagram and penned a heartbreaking note. The elder sister expressed her grief and said the family feels hopeless without his presence. She wrote, “To put it simply, life without you is not the same. After mom's departure, we had inspiration to make our lives worthwhile as a tribute to her love. While your absence has rendered it totally devoid of any bearings, mercy or hope.”
Along with the note, she added a picture that features Sushant's other two sisters seated near a table with the actor's photo placed on it.
To put it simply, life without you is not the same. After mom’s departure, we had inspiration to make our lives worthwhile as a tribute to her love. While your absence has rendered it totally devoid of any bearings, mercy or hope.
— Priyanka Singh (@withoutthemind) June 14, 2021
Priyanka's another tweet read, “Though your physical form no longer graces this earth, you are ever so close & present in each moment of our lives- walking, sleeping, dreaming throbbing in us with every pulse of life. Your presence is now as visceral as it is vital.”
Though your physical form no longer graces this earth, you are ever so close & present in each moment of our lives- walking, sleeping, dreaming throbbing in us with every pulse of life. Your presence is now as visceral as it is vital.
— Priyanka Singh (@withoutthemind) June 14, 2021
She further wrote, “Those who are instrumental in your eradication should know it only too well that they have to pay. Law of Karma is law of Energy therefore exact and infallible.”
Sushant Singh Rajput was last seen in the film Dil Bechara. The film was released after his demise, and he received a ton of love from his fans.
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