Actor Ranveer Singh, who recently bought yet another car and added it to his luxurious collection, was spotted by the paparazzi on Wednesday, June 23, taking a ride around the city. The actor recently purchased a Mercedes Maybach GLS which currently retails at Rs. 2.5 crores approx.
The actor was accompanied by his best friend and actor Arjun Kapoor. The actor also took to his Instagram and shared a selfie with Arjun in which he was seen planting a kiss on his cheeks and wrote, "Bharat Milap".
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The actor went live on his Instagram handle twice earlier in the day as he crossed the Bandra-Worli Sea Link in Mumbai. The actor was seen donning a sporty look with a black windbreaker jacket, red jogger and black mask. The actor also tied a small ponytail and was seen wearing funky neon shade glasses. While enjoying the ride, the actor was also grooving to the song 'Maybach' by Future which is also the name of his car.
Ranveer Singh Live today , No.1 |
— Ranveer Singh TB (@Ranveertbt) June 23, 2021
Ranveer Singh Live today , No.2 |
— Ranveer Singh TB (@Ranveertbt) June 23, 2021
On the work front, Ranveer Singh will next be seen in 83 as former Indian Cricket Team Captain Kapil Dev. The film is helmed by Kabir Khan and was supposed to release in the summer of 2020 but got delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The film is based on the Indian Cricket Team’s victory at the 1983 World Cup. Ranveer's wife and actor Deepika Padukone will also play his on-screen wife, Romi Dev. He is also starring in Rohit Shetty’s Cirkus, YRF’s Jayeshbhai Jordaar and Dharma Productions’ next with Alia Bhatt.
Also Read: Ranveer Singh looks dapper in blue suit as he resumes shooting
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