It's been a year since actor Sushant Singh Rajput passed away on June 14, 2020. A day ago, fans around the world paid tribute to the actor, friends and colleagues remembered him through several memories. Sara Ali Khan, who made her Bollywood debut with Kedarnath opposite Sushant Singh Rajput, took to Instagram to share an old photo from the movie's shooting days.
“Whenever I needed help, advice or a laugh you were always there. You introduced me to the world of acting, made me believe that dreams could come true, and gave me all that I have today. Still can’t believe you’re gone. But every time I look at the stars, the rising sun or the moon I know you’re here. From Kedarnath to Andromeda,” read Sara’s post.
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Sushant Singh Rajput, who became a household name after Pavitra Rishta, made his Bollywood debut with Abhishek Kapoor's Kai Po Che! He worked with him again on Kedarnath.
ALSO READ: Remembering Sushant Singh Rajput: Whistling Woods International’s Chaitanya Chinchlikar reminisces on his conversation with Sushant
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