Actor Vidya Balan recently held an Ask Me Anything session on Instagram. Soon after, she was bombarded with questions about her films, personal life, and the film industry. Sharing the Q/A sticker feature on Instagram stories, Balan revealed she has some time on her hands and asked fans to throw in questions or share something they would like to.
Amid all the praises and questions about her work and personal life, what grabbed attention was a fan's query asking to choose between Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan. This is not the first time that a celebrity has been asked to choose between the Bollywood superstar Salman and Shah Rukh Khan. However, Vidya had the perfect response to the question. She shared a picture of herself with her husband, Siddharth Roy Kapur, and wrote that he is her SRK.
A fan also asked if she is committed. To this, Vidya shared another picture with husband Siddharth Roy Kapur and wrote, “Lagta toh aisa hee hai”.
Vidya also revealed that her favourite vacation destination is Italy, her favorite cartoon Mickey Mouse, and also shared a view from outside her house.
Take a look:
The actress will be next seen in Sherni which will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on June 18.
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