When Indian superstar-filmmaker Ajay Devgn was spotted during the pandemic there was a slight mystery behind his face mask. Paps often caught sight of a black & silver beard peeping mischievously from his mask. Some people even thought it was just a lethargic, ‘I’m too lazy to shave’ exercise.
However, now that the same beard has been trimmed and designed to give the actor a sharp and superb look, one has understood what it was meant to lead up to. Celebrity Hairstylist Aalim Hakim has styled Ajay Devgn's impressive beard and given the actor a sharp new haircut as well.
We hear that for his current film and another acting assignment, Devgn is likely to make slight changes to his facial fuzz and hair. And, Aalim is likely to step in to add a few changes to the existing style.
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