Allu Arjun, who is one of the reigning stars of the Telugu film industry on Thursday formally announced the debut of his little daughter Allu Arha. The four-year-old will be making her screen debut with the pan India film Shakuntalam starring Samantha Akkineni in the lead.
Terming it as a proud moment, Allu Arjun took to his Twitter handle to announce his daughter’s debut. “A proud moment for the Allu family to announce that the fourth generation, #AlluArha will be making her debut with #Shakuntalam movie. I want to thank @Gunasekhar1 garu & @neelima_guna garu for giving my daughter this beautiful movie as her debut,” he wrote.
“I had an altogether different journey with @Samanthaprabhu2 and am happy to watch Arha debut with her movie. My best wishes to the entire Cast & Crew of #Shakuntalam,” he added.
A proud moment for the Allu family to announce that the fourth generation, #AlluArha will be making her debut with #Shakuntalam movie. I want to thank @Gunasekhar1 garu & @neelima_guna garu for giving my daughter this beautiful movie as her debut .
— Allu Arjun (@alluarjun) July 15, 2021
Allu Arha will be playing a crucial role in the film and has already started shooting for the film. She will wrap her portions in the next 10 days. Directed by Gunasekhar, Shankutalam is a pan-India big-budget mythological love drama.
ALSO READ: The shooting of the Allu Arjun-starrer Pushpa resumes in full swing
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