Sonu Sood celebrated his 48th birthday today. Farah Khan offered good friend and actor Sonu Sood a surprise birthday present on Friday by revealing their latest collaboration, a soon-to-be-released music video titled ‘Saath Kya Nibhaoge.’
Farah shared a video on her social media accounts that included the names of everyone involved with the project, including music composer Tony Kakkar, actor Nidhhi Agerwal, and producer Anshul Garg. The video was directed by Farah herself. The presence of its original artiste – Altaf Raja – in the team proves that ‘Saath Kya Nibhaoge’ is a recreated version of ‘Tum To Thehre Pardesi.’
Coming soon on @desimusicfactory @sonu_sood @farahkhankunder @nidhhiagerwal @tonykakkar @altafraja_official @anshul300 @raghav.sharma.14661#sonusood #farahkhan #nidhhiagerwal #tonykakkar #anshulgarg #desimusicfactory
— TheFarahKhan (@TheFarahKhan) July 30, 2021
According to reports, Nidhhi stated she had a terrific time shooting the song alongside Farah Khan and Sonu Sood, and that she had a great time being a part of it. Any actor's fantasy is to be choreographed by Farah Khan, but she was in for a double treat because Farah was also directing the same.
Also Read: Farah Khan directs an ad featuring Mahendra Singh Dhoni, says he is ‘so down to earth’
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