On Friday evening, Gauri Khan dropped some stunning pictures of her daughter Suhana Khan sitting by the poolside enjoying a can of Cola. Suhana who is currently studying in the US often treats her fans to gorgeous pictures of herself. This time Gauri Khan turned photographer for her daughter and shared the results on social media.
In the picture, Suhana is seen dressed in a white tank top and blue denim shorts and sitting by the poolside with a can of Cola in her hand. Her outfit is perfectly complimenting the blue pool in the background. Suhana opted for minimal make-up and left her hair open for the pictures.
Suhan also took to her Instagram handle to share the pictures and wrote, "Pretend it's a Pepsi and I'm Cindy Crawford :)"
Commenting on the post, father Shah Rukh Khan wrote, "Can I pretend it’s you and the cola is incidental…..and still appreciate the picture???"
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