Businessman and husband of south actress Kajal Aggarwal, Gautam Kitchlu gave a sneak-peek into their quarantine life via his Instagram handle. In the picture, Gautam can be seen sincerely working on his laptop while Kajal is seen reading a book. The photo is taken at their house sitting on a table. The duo looks cute as they are highly engrossed in their respective tasks. Gautam uploaded the picture and captioned it, "Caption this!" He asked his followers to suggest a caption for them.
The fans of the couple started writing captions for them which were like Minding my own business, Ek main hu aur ek tu❤️, Together but not together????, Busy couples, Busy in doing self professions????!, Book Reader with Work Rider???????? , etc. Since their marriage announcement, the couple has been posting a lot of lovey-dovey pictures of them together. Kajal Aggarwal and Gautam Kitchlu are living their happy married life and do not leave a chance to express their love for each other on social media.
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Kajal Aggarwal and Gautam Kitchlu tied the knot in a grand ceremony on October 30, 2020 followed by a honeymoon in the Maldives. Gautam Kitchlu is an entrepreneur, businessman, and tech professional, and childhood sweetheart of Kajal Aggarwal. Kajal Aggarwal has Acharya, Hey Sinamika, Paris Paris, Indian 2, and Uma in her pipeline.
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