Kareena Kapoor Khan was recently spotted looking fiery hot in a red wrap around dress with balloon sleeves. Kareena was styled by Lakshmi Lehr and she looked gorgeous. The actress was shooting for a special project along with her sister Karisma Kapoor. The two sisters shared pictures from the shoot location on their Instagram handles and informed that they are working on a special project.
Along with her red outfit, Kareena went for smokey with kohled eyes and her hair in her usual messy waves and a middle partition. Kareena’s style is worth talking about and she never fails to make a statement. Kapoor kept the styling simple with just the dress and no accessories except her massive wedding rock.
In terms of work, Kareena Kapoor was last seen in Angrezi Medium, which starred late actor Irrfan Khan in the lead role. Her upcoming projects are Laal Singh Chaddha, a remake of Hollywood classic Forrest Gump. Laal Singh Chaddha is slated to release on Christmas this year. She also launched her pregnancy book earlier this month.
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