Akshay Kumar is currently gearing up for the release of his first theatrical post the pandemic. The film Bellbottom directed by Ranjit Tiwari also stars Vaani Kapoor, Lara Dutta, and Huma Qureshi in pivotal roles. Akshay has been regularly sharing updates of the film as he counts down to the release date with posters and music teasers. However, late on Thursday night, he shared a goofy video of Huma from the sets of Bellbottom.
In the video shared by Akshay, the actress is seen happily engaging in bhangra to some upbeat music. In the backdrop, Akshay Kumar dressed in a yellow hoodie makes an appearance and makes funny faces and jokes that Huma has gone crazy.
Sharing the video, Akshay also praised Huma for her acting prowess. "A total nutcase, a darling at heart, and a phenomenal actor! Even though @humasqureshi’s filmography is shorter than mine, her acting prowess is much higher. Watch out for her power-packed performance in #BellBottom." He also mentioned that Bellbottom release is just 7 days away.
A total nutcase, a darling at heart and a phenomenal actor! Even though @humasqureshi’s filmography is shorter than mine, her acting prowess is much higher. Watch out for her power-packed performance in #BellBottom.
7DAYS TO BELL BOTTOM pic.twitter.com/ji3fx1YjeP— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) August 12, 2021
Bellbottom is a spy thriller drama based on real-life hijacking events in India during the 1980s. It is produced by Pooja and Emmay Entertainment. The movie is going to be one of the biggest releases of the year with cinemas unlocking after a long haul. The film will hit the theatres worldwide on August 19 in 3D.
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