Shershaah opened up to a massive response from netizens, audiences, and people across India. Superstar Shah Rukh Khan also took to his Twitter handle and appreciated Karan Johar and Sidharth Malhotra immensely. Now joining SRK is actress Alia Bhatt who praised Sidharth Malhotra, Kiara Advani, and the whole cast involved in the making of Shershaah. After being film critics and movie buffs' favorite, it also grabbed Alia Bhatt's attention.
The Udta Punjab actress took to her Instagram stories and penned an appreciation post for former boyfriend and co-artist Sidharth Malhotra and lead actress Kiara Advani. She uploaded a snap of Sidharth Malhotra from the film and captioned it, "Must must must watch! This film has made me laugh and cry and everything more. @sidmalhotra you were too too special yaa! So so moving! And @kiaraaladvani my beautiful, you really just shine right through. Congratulations to the whole film and the entire cast! Such a lovely film."
Alia Bhatt was mesmerized by the movie and power-packed performances of Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani. She also revealed getting emotional and happy while watching the film and congratulated the entire cast for putting up a movie like Shershaah.
Shershaah is directed by Vishnuvardhan and jointly produced by Dharma Productions and Kaash Entertainment. The film stars Sidharth Malhotra, Kiara Advani, Shiv Pandit, Nikitin Dheer, Himmanshoo A. Malhotra, and Sahil Vaid in pivotal roles. The biopic is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
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