Television actor Aniruddh Dave was severely affected by Covid-19 back in April-May this year. The actor tested positive and was admitted to the ICU and later was also moved to the ventilator as his condition worsen. After being severely affected by the novel coronavirus, the actor made a heroic comeback and fought it with all his strength. Aniruddh spent almost 55 days in the hospital recovering from Covid-19 and has now finally decided to resume work as his condition improved to a great extent.
As he is all set to return to work after such a long time, he's all excited and enthusiastic about it. Speaking to a tabloid, Aniruddh said that things are finally getting back to normalcy and he's gearing up to be back in action. The Patiala Babes fame will soon fly to Ranchi and begin a month-long shooting schedule for a project. He says that he is very excited and happy to face the camera after a long break.
Further, he also confessed that he's way more concerned about his health than he was previously and wants to take it very seriously. He mentioned that he has lung fibrosis which will improve further with time. Because of this, he has to be more cautious and concerned and take extra care.
He also expresses that he's grateful to god and could recover and return home safely because of the prayers from his fans and friends. His recovery was nothing less than a miracle.
Lastly, he said that at the end of the day, we have to resume work and can't stay home forever. Aniruddh being a part of the entertainment industry doesn't have the option to work from home. He had to get back to work amidst anything. He also revealed that the doctors have also advised him to get back to normalcy in life as soon as possible and start working.
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