Recently, actor Anupam Kher visited Priyanka Chopra’s Indian restaurant Sona in New York. He took to his Instagram handle and shared a few glimpse from his time at Sona. Sharing the pictures and videos from the restaurant, he also gave a shoutout to the chef Hari Nayak.
Anupam wrote, “Dearest @priyankachopra !! It was really a pleasure to have dinner at your wonderful restaurant @sonanewyork. Everything was great. Food, ambience, fantastic staff headed by chef @harinayak. You have given us Indians one more reason to be proud of you. Keep it up. You are the bestest. Jai Ho! ???????? #Food #Restaurant #IndianInAmerica.”
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Earlier, Priyanka had described Sona as “Timeless India all within the heart of New York City. So much love for @sonanewyork.”
Ever since the restaurant was inaugurated this year in July, it has been the talk of the town. Earlier, Stranger Things actor Michael Park had visited Sona. Recently, Priyanka’s husband Nick Jonas and his brother Kevin Jonas were clicked enjoying a meal there.
On the work front, Priyanka is currently shooting for Citadel in London. She also has Farhan Akhtar’s Jee Le Zaraa in her kitty that also stars Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt.
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