Indian TV actress and dancer Avneet Kaur, best known for her role as Princess Yasmine Aladdin, debuted in the industry in 2009 as a contestant in a dance reality show ‘Dance India Dance Li’l masters’. This 19-year-old actress also has a huge fan following on her Instagram which is 22.9 million where she keeps engaging with her fans while sharing reels and pictures. She is one of the popular digital stars.
In her recent post, Avneet shared two pictures of her glamorous yet super fashionable monochrome photoshoot flaunting amazing poses in an oversized white shirt styled with cool black shorts, in a studio-like setup. She accessorized the look with multilayered silver anklets and rings along with a pair of black heeled slip-on sandals which gave her a chic look.
For her makeup, she did a soft glam nude makeup look and she kept her hair all open with bottom curls which made her look irresistible. Avneet captioned the post, “Cinderella these days have no time for prince.”
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On the work front, Avneet was last seen in the Hindi fantasy drama Aladdin- Naam Toh Suna Hoga opposite Siddharth Nigam.
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