Fashion Designer Manish Malhotra had a very special relationship with the late actress Sridevi. On the occasion of her 58th birth anniversary, he shared the beautiful memories spent with his good friend and actress Sridevi. The designer was connected with the superstar for 25 years and had been designing various looks for her since then. Manish found Sridevi a timeless and beautiful diva with an equally wonderful heart. He was always a great admirer of her work and the way with which she carried her outfits. Manish was very new in the Bollywood industry when he started working with Sridevi. She liked his work a lot and started giving his references to filmmakers to design her look for a particular film.
Manish Malhotra went on designing looks for Sridevi and there was no looking back for him since then. As their professional bond blossomed their personal equation became strong too. The actress was impressed with the way with which the designer always made her look trendy yet elegant. He became her favourite designer and they even collaborated on her films Judaai and Laadla. Manish also reminisced the time when during the last day of the shoot of Judaai she mentioned her decision to quit acting and focus on her family life which broke him but they remained in contact. Sridevi was always available for his best friend and made sure that she attended his shows and also graced his shows by walking for him. He also expressed how dedicated mother she was and gave up movies to look after Janhvi and Khushi for 15 years.
Finally, Manish Malhotra said that it was Sridevi's pure professionalism, no-nonsense talks, and dedication towards work that made them best buddies and connect well. He further said that the diva was always disciplined, determined, and never spoke ill about anybody. Sridevi's death traumatized him as well as the entire film fraternity three years back on February 24, 2018. The 54-year-old designer has a friendly bond with Sridevi's daughters Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor as well and works on their fashion styling.
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