Canadian actress Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, who shot to fame globally as a leading character Devi Vishwakumar in the Netflix’s teen school drama Never Have I Ever, has been busy promoting the second season of the show. The show revolves around an Indian-American girl who is dealing with high school drama after her father’s death. The series is created by Mindy Kaling.
Her stylist Joseph Cassell Falconer posted two photos of Maitreyi recently in a super elegant boss look for Netflix’s Never Have I Ever stock glamorous press shoot by Photographer Simrah Farrukh. She wore all-white outfit – a white double-breasted from Etro’s Women's Spring-Summer 2021 collection embellished by buttons with heraldic-style Pegaso. The jacket has a floral Paisley print lining inside. It is worth $1,122.00 (Rs. 83,320 approx). She matched it with white bottoms and top. She accessorized with big gold hoop earrings and multiple gold rings from Subhani Parekh and Le Vian Jewelry.
For her makeup, she did super classy winged eyeliner and hot red lips which is perfectly complimenting her outfit and her hair was all loose with soft bottom curls.
Meanwhile, on the work front, the 19-year-old actress recently announced that she will be starring in an upcoming Netflix rom-com, The Netherfield Girls.
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