On Monday morning Priyanka Chopra shared a PDA-filled picture with husband Nick Jonas. The global star shared a glimpse of her weekend getaway with Nick on Instagram. In one of the pictures, Priyanka is seen lying on the beach in a bikini set with Nick hilariously holding a knife and fork over her pretending to be his snack.
While Priyanka set Instagram on fire with the romantic picture and another stunning picture of herself flaunting her bikini body, it was cousin Parineeti Chopra's comment on the post that took the cake. She posted two comments and expressed her shock at the picture.
“Jeej! Mimi didi! What is going on here the family is on instagram ***Tries to hit like button with eyes closed,” she commented. In a separate comment, she added, “EXCUSE ME JUST WHAT IS GOING ON HERE! **Tries to press the like button with eyes closed." Parineeti’s relatable comment received a lot of response from desi fans.
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Priyanka also shared a solo picture of her soaking up the sun in a bikini. She was seen donning a black bikini top with red bottoms with side tie-ups. She completed her look with white Gucci sunglasses that cost around Rs. 26,137.
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