The lovebirds Rhea Kapoor and Karan Boolani who dated for a long time finally tied the knot on 14th August in a secret ceremony with the news of their marriage coming out only one day before their D day. Father and actor Anil Kapoor's lavish pad in Juhu was all decorated in order to have a marriage ceremony in the presence of close family and friends. Even though going strong for 10 years the couple had remained silent about their wedding plans.
Fashion designer and good friend of the bride Masaba Gupta gave us a glimpse of Rhea Kapoor's painted feet on her Instagram stories. Rhea Kapoor shared the same post on her Instagram story and gave her fans the first picture of her post marriage with Karan Boolani. Rhea Kapoor and Karan Boolani's wedding was attended by Arjun, Anshula, Shanaya, Khushi, Boney, Sanjay, and Maheep Kapoor along with Masaba Gupta, Sonam Kapoor, and Anand Ahuja among other close friends.
The doting father Anil Kapoor also gave out sweets to the shutterbugs and asked to bless Rhea Kapoor and Karan Boolani's pair after the nuptial ceremony. The newlywed couple were papped leaving Anil Kapoor's bungalow after their wedding was over. The couple are yet to announce their wedding and pictures from their fairytale wedding.
Also Read: Rhea Kapoor set to tie the knot with Karan Boolani at 10 pm tonight at Anil Kapoor’s residence
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