Actor Salman Khan recently went to Russia for the shoot of his upcoming film, Tiger 3 with brother Sohail Khan’s son Nirvan. He has been shooting for the film with Katrina Kaif.
Taking to Instagram, he shared a cool picture with nephew Nirvan, where the duo can be seen flaunting cool outfits while walking on the streets. Salman wore a t-shirt and jacket over it paired with ripped jeans and shoes. Whereas, Nirvaan was in a black tee with a matching leather jacket over it and green cargo pants. Salman captioned it, "Chacha Bhatija … @nirvankhan15."
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As per reports, Nirvan is among one of the assistant directors of the film. As he wanted to go into filmmaking, so he came onboard to gain first-hand experience.
Besides Russia, Tiger 3 will also be shot in Austria and Turkey. The female lead, Katrina Kaif will be reuniting with Salman for the third part.
On the work front, Salman Khan will also be seen in Mahesh Manjrekar's Antim: The Final Truth and Kick 2.
Also Read: Watch: Salman Khan looks unrecognisable In this 1980s motorcycle commercial
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