On September 2, actor and Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla passed away after he suffered a heart attack. There was an outpour of grief on social media by the late actor's fans, friends, and colleagues from the Indian film industry. International star John Cena also mourned the death of Shukla.
On Saturday, WWE star John Cena took to his Instagram handle to share a picture of Sidharth Shukla. Cena follows a no caption rule for all his Instagram posts ad this one was no different. Indian fans took to the comment section to thank Cena for dedicating a post to Sidharth.
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Some were also surprised that Cena was aware of Sidharth Shukla. However, this is not the first time that the wrestler has shared a post related to Bigg Boss 13. In 2020, ahead of the finale of Bigg Boss 13, Cena had extended his support to finalist Asim Riaz by sharing his picture.
Meanwhile, Sidharth Shukla who won Bigg Boss 13 enjoyed massive popularity after the show. He was last seen in the show Broken But Beautiful season 3 which had marked his debut on digital.
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