Neetu Kapoor often shares old pictures and videos of late actor Rishi Kapoor with fans on social media. On Rishi's 69th birth anniversary, Neetu summed up fond moments she spent with Rishi in his final years. She wrote in brief about they celebrated and stayed strong when they were in New York for the late actors' cancer treatment.
Sharing a happy picture with Rishi Kapoor, Neetu wrote, "I learnt a lot from Rishi Ji during our last few traumatic years in NYC .. how we celebrated when his blood counts were high .. we dined shopped laughed .. in his lows we just stayed home watched tv ordered in amazing food n still had some wonderful moments in hope that the next round of chemotherapy he would be better .. hope n being strong is what he taught me .. value each day."
"We all miss him today !!! I can picture him how excited he would have been for his 69th birthday !! I’m sure he is celebrating with his family up there Happy birthday Kapoor Saab," she added.
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Neetu and Rishi Kapoor's daughter Riddhima also took to her Instagram handle to share a birthday note for her father with a picture from her childhood. "Hi Papa… We celebrate you everyday! We miss you & we love you! Heaven’s brightest shining star! Happy birthday! Love you to the stars & beyond …. Always …forever Mushk."
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Rishi Kapoor passed away on April 30, 2020, after a two-year-long battle with cancer.
ALSO READ: Sharmaji Namkeen: First look of Rishi Kapoor’s final film unveiled on his birth anniversary
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