Pankaj Tripathi is one of the most ace and versatile actor in Bollywood. The actor has proved his exceptional talent through his performances like Sultan in Gangs of Wasseypur, Anup Saxena in Gunjan Saxena, Kaleen Bhaiya in Mirzapur. He leaves no stone unturned in bringing life into a character and his small yet realistic moves are often noticed a lot by the audience.
His popularity is not just limited to the movie buffs and general audiences but also among the meme creators. The actor has been the face of some hilarious memes and especially his signature neck movement of Kaleen Bhaiya from Mirzapur became a rage on the internet.
Reacting to these Pankaj Tripathi while talking to a tabloid said that
People making memes are very creative. They observe small things and give them a whole new interpretation. The actor noticed his neck movement in the middle of Mirzapur’s shooting.
He further revealed that he got a script for a TVC recently wherein it was mentioned, ‘Tripathi’s signature nod here’. This made him laugh really hard. He believes that he can only do it spontaneously and can't do it organically whenever deliberately asked.
Also Read: Birthday Special: 5 finest performances from Pankaj Tripathi
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