On September 2, actor and Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla passed away following a massive heart attack. As per reports, he was brought dead to the hospital. The staff at Cooper hospital ran a post mortem on Shukla's mortal remains and handed over the body to the family after due procedure. On Friday, several colleagues and friends of the actor from the industry arrived at his residence for the last rites.
Shehnaaz Gill who shares a close bond with Sidharth Shukla was spotted for the first time on Thursday as she arrived for the last rites. Shehnaaz was visibly heartbroken and inconsolable as she arrived for the funeral with her brother. The two got very close to each other during their stint in the Bigg Boss 13 house and treated each other like family. Their fans had also coined the term SidNaaz owing to their adorable chemistry on the show.
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Asim Riaz and Aly Goni were also spotted at the crematorium for the last rites of the actor.
Meanwhile, Sidharth's last journey will involve the Brahmakumari rituals which the actor followed. The actor is survived by his mother Rita Shukla and two sisters.
ALSO READ: Shehnaaz Gill has gone completely pale after Sidharth Shukla’s untimely death, says Rahul Mahajan
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