Actor Akshay Kumar is not missing any chance to promote his upcoming film, Sooryavanshi. Recently, the actor shared a video where he is seen dancing to Sooryavanshi song ‘MereYaaraa’ with his Ram Setu co-star Jacqueline Fernandez. But, things didn’t go as planned.
On October 29, Akshay shared a video on his Instagram where he was seen getting down on one knee and offering a heart-shaped red balloon to Jacqueline Fernandez. It seems like a perfect romance as they groove to ‘Mere Yaaraa’. However, the balloon bursts, which Akshay described as bursting a romantic bubble. He wrote in the caption, “And that’s how I and @jacquelinef143 showcase how to burst the bubble on seemingly perfect romance. Quite literally #MereYaaraa.”
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Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif’s love song, ‘Mere Yaaraa’ from Sooryavanshi was released on October 27. The two were seen building a perfect life together in its music video. Sung by Arijit Singh and Neeti Mohan, the lyrics have been penned by Rashmi Virag.
On the work front, Akshay Kumar and Jacqueline Fernandez will be seen sharing space in Ram Setu and Bachchan Pandey. Sooryavanshi is the fourth film in Rohit Shetty's cop universe. It features cameo appearances by Ranveer Singh and Ajay Devgn. The film is all set to release in theatres on Diwali, November 5. Its first song ‘Aila Re Aillaa’ was released on October 21 and became the most viewed Hindi Bollywood film song in 24 hours.
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