A few unseen pictures of Shah Rukh Khan from the sets of his recent ad shoot have gone viral on social media, where the actor is seen posing with his co-stars. Recently, the actor had shot for a commercial of Cadbury Dairy Milk brand on the occasion of Diwali before his son, Aryan Khan was arrested on October 3.
In the pictures, posted by a paparazzo account on Instagram, Shah Rukh posed with his co-stars appearing in the ad. In one picture, the actor pouted and posed with a few young artists. In another, he posed with an older woman who was wearing his sunglasses.
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The ad, urging viewers to shop local on the occasion of Diwali, has been garnering attention from fans amid Aryan's legal battle. SRK has been away from the spotlight since Aryan was arrested in a drug-related case. He was taken into custody by a team of Narcotics Control Bureau who conducted a raid on an alleged rave party on a Goa-bound cruise.
On Thursday, as Aryan was granted bail, Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan received support from their friends and colleagues in the industry.
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