Ranveer Singh is all set to make his television debut with The Big Picture, which will premiere on Colors on October 16. On Wednesday, the actor hosted a media interaction on the sets of the show, where we had a glimpse of the show and also answered a few questions.
The actor shared some personal anecdotes during the interaction. While playing a round of the quiz show with a few reporters, a picture of a mouse got him to reveal his relationship with his lady love.
Ranveer said, “Meri gharwali saamne aati hai, mein yeh ban jaata hoon (I become like a mouse when my wife comes in front of me). Otherwise, I am a leopard on set, but this is my reality at home.”
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When asked about he would paint his life’s ‘big picture’, Ranveer replied, “Woah! I would want a lovely house where my wife, my kids and my family are around, playing around joyfully. Everyone is happy and healthy. I don’t know what else to ask other than that I am able to entertain till my last day. This is my life’s big picture.”
Ranveer said that he and wife Deepika Padukone always discuss each other’s projects. He said, “We often discuss each other’s work. I am really grateful that I have such a great insight into the arts, the performance, and all these things. Deepika has given me some tips and I am working on them. And, hopefully, with her love and support, I will be able to impress everyone.”
The Big Picture will air on Colors every weekend at 8 pm.
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