Actor Pooja Bhatt has been accused of putting the life of Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) informer's life at risk. Soon after, the actress took to Twitter to defend herself. A journalist accused Bhatt of putting the informant's life at risk by naming him in one of her tweets. Defending herself, Bhatt said that she did not take any names and that the informant should have refrained from taking 'glorious selfies' and sharing them on social media.
“I have not taken their name if you use your eyes to actually ‘see’ & re-read my tweet. Or is that too much to ask? Advise the said person to refrain from taking & then leaking such glorious ‘selfies’ next time as they go viral. Discretion is the better part of valour, is it not?," she tweeted.
A selfie of a man, who is allegedly a private detective, with Aryan Khan inside the NCB office had gone viral on social media after the arrest of Aryan and others in a drug case. Tweeting about the picture, Bhatt wrote, "And then we have those, who would fail to be cast as ‘private detectives’ in the most archaic Bollywood film. Fact is stranger than fiction & replete with far more clichés. Time to change ‘Looks like a Bollywood villain’ to ‘Looks like a Pvt Detective outsourced by a Govt agency.”
Replying to the tweet, a journalist wrote, "An informer can be with police/ED/CBI/NIA/NCB. & informer could be anyone. Passing information and helping busting of a racket is not a crime. U are putting their lives in danger by taking their names. Drug peddlers might attack informers now. You can also help and be in raid.”
I have not taken their name if you use your eyes to actually ‘see’ & re-read my tweet. Or is that too much to ask? Advise the said person to refrain from taking & then leaking such glorious ‘selfies’ next time as they go viral. Discretion is the better part of valour, is it not?
— Pooja Bhatt (@PoojaB1972) October 7, 2021
Aryan Khan and two others are currently in NCB custody. The court will hear Aryan’s bail plea today.
ALSO READ: Shah Rukh Khan gets support from Pooja Bhatt and Suchitra Krishnamoorthi amid Aryan Khan’s arrest
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